There is no exact answer to the above question. It varies from person to person or student to student because some students are compassionate and some take everything easy like boom! Some schools have even installed solar panels to ensure 24/7 power so their students can have uninterrupted learning and for those who spend all their time studying, it can also be overwhelming. Student life could be overwhelming. Here we will go through different circumstances that can cause overwhelming to the student.
Being a brilliant student
If you are a very high intellect student and your success like grades are your proud. You may do some commitments at a time. After that, you may feel you don’t have time to fulfill every promise; it will induce anxiety or frustration results in overwhelming.
Peer pressure
Family pressure for achieving high grades or 90% of the result is a significant contributor to students’ depression. If someone belongs to a family where high rates consider their custom, the student has to face criticism if he/she is unable to achieve the expected result. So, parents should keep their expectations realistic; otherwise, your desires will ruin your child’s future.
Priorities your work
Do not act like last moment runner. It will put you in a difficult situation. Some students complete their assignments and research papers at the last moment just before the deadline. If you are very lazy, maybe you fail to complete that task. So, try to be a very organized student, create a to-do list. There is a slogan that “say no to corruption” like it, student slogan should be “say no to time-wasting activities”. Always set priorities.
International student
Going abroad as an international student can be the cause of overwhelming. Here students have to face new faces, different cultures, new cosine, and many other things. If you adopt those changes, you will become a conformist; otherwise, you will be victimized by the overwhelming and depression.
Mistaken ambition
Sometimes mistaken ambition or wrong carrier choice put students in a chaotic, depressing situation. As students are studying against their interest results in failure, always remember “failure slaps in public, but success hugs you in private” make a wise decision.
Light head students/ For granters
We talked about high achievers or wrong carrier students let’s talk about those who take things for granted. Believe me, and these are who enjoy their student life thoroughly. They do not run after grades. They do not commit to every individual or task. They do what they can at ease. If I talk about carrier success or job ratio, one will find moderate students as successful people in every field of life.
Let me conclude it, and every student should learn to follow the time as time has the right to do the right things at the right time. In simple words, organize your every activity. Divide your time for a move like a study, gaming, picnics, etc. Sometimes a student can work outside their schedule, but it is not good practice for routine. Do what makes you happy. Seek help where needed. Take some morning exercise as it will; keep your whole fresh day. Always keep your work on top of all other activities. Don’t be overwhelming as it will not give you a benefit.